If I had been fully on top of things I would have taken a before picture of the closet in our bedroom. But, not surprisingly...I was not. So here is an in between photo.
Looking back it amazes me that the OCD in me didn't scream at the sight of my closet every morning. But somehow...I just looked past it. It was my dear love that just...couldn't...take it....anymore!!! And here is the final project! Doesn't it look so good? And now that I am ABLE to organize it and have the room to work with....I am very pleased to have my shirts color coordinated. (Minus my tank tops...those are in a category of their own...hence the two sections of red on top).
Thanks again Honey!! You truly are the best!
By the way...if you ever think that you have nothing to wear and have hardly any clothes at all....try taking them ALL out of the closet and placing them randomly around your house. Soon you will feel overwhelmed with your material blessings and find the need to dejunk and donate to the DI.