The last time I used that title I was referring to the about of lotion I had to put in Evan's hair. This time I'm just talking about the amount of hair in general.
As you all know (because I whine about it all the time) Evan has eczema, EVERYWHERE. On his face, chest, sides, back, legs...and yes on his scalp. While we've been able to
mostly clear up his skin, his scalp has always evaded us. We would try to push his hair out of the way to put the lotion directly on his scalp, but it just wasn't working. So, now that we've taken his contest winning picture (I still haven't decided between 2 or 3) it was time for Evan's first hair cut.
And not just a trim to even it out, we buzzed it. We buzzed it good.
Here is a before picture, so you can see just how long his hair had gotten
Look how much hair we cut off!! I still can't believe all of the was on his head!
The picture is a little blurry, but I wanted to show you the scratches/gouges Evan would make from attacking his head. (so sad!)
And here's my cute baby now! That was as short as I could bear to go, but it serves it's purpose. His scalp is already starting to look so much better! He looks older to me now, which seems contradictory since his hair is shorter. I think it's because it's a uniform length now, the baby hair is all gone. He's still ridiculously cute isn't he?