Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rule #85: 2 is better than 1

We celebrated Evan's 2nd birthday on Monday. I just can't believe that my baby is 2, and then it hits me, he's not my baby anymore. He's my big boy. My toddler. Crazy.

It was a fabulous day spent together as a family and to top it off so many of our friends and family were able to join us in the evening for dinner and cake! Thanks to everyone who was able to be there and celebrate with us.

We were missing a few grandparents and siblings, but that's just the way life goes sometimes. We know they would have been there if they were able.

I didn't get a picture of Evan and his cake on my camera, but some family did, so when I get those shots, I'll upload them.

Evan was throwing a fit when it came time to open the presents, so we whipped through them pretty fast. But I wanted everyone to know how much he really did love the thoughtful gifts that you gave them. So I made sure to get a picture of each and every one of them. So here we go.

Evan giving kisses to the potato head cat from Bri and family

Playing with the water toys from the Millers

Green truck from Amy and the kids

Reading the book from Grandpa Guy and Grandma Emma. Playing with their puzzle below
Reading the book from Great Grandma Davis

Dressing his Evan doll made by Emile

Playing with the cars from Aunt Chrissy. Not shown is Evan dancing to the music card from Chrissy. It was priceless!

Loving the Golf clubs from Dave and Christina

Riding his new power wheels from Grandpa Doug and Grandma Susan!

Drawing on the magnadoodle from Mom and Dad

We lucked out just barely with the weather. It rained just a little before the party, and then the rain came down and kicked everyone to the curb at 8! Which was the end of the party anyway, so it worked out well. I, for one, was thankful for the rain. It meant that it wasn't quite a thousand degrees for this pregnant woman!

Evan has his two year checkup on Friday, so I'll post all of the amazing qualities of my son when I post his stats. I like to keep his fans on the edge of their seats. :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Rule #84: Inaminate objects are at your mercy.

Recently Evan has been playing toddler games on Sesame Street's website.  If he sees the computer he starts repeating "Elmo?  Elmo?"  The only games he can play yet are ones where you can push any letter or number of the keyboard.  But he has had trouble because he often hits keys that bring up other menus and so forth.  So I finally figured out I could pop some of the keys off an old keyboard and make one just for him.
Aforementioned highly modified keyboard.

Jasmine wearing a glow collar.

The couch tried to eat Evan while he was watching Signing Time.

Sesame street game with Elmo.
Evan likes to feed Jasmine his snacks, which we hopelessly try to discourage.  So one time I tried shutting Jas in another room while he snacked.  The attempt was futile as usual.
A cat was sitting on our fence, which Jasmine was not keen on, the cat however seemed indifferent while Evan was more interested in a large pot that the ensuing spectacle.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Rule #83: Words are meant to be spoken

*warning: this may be a sappy post, too much for your stomach to take. You've been warned. :)

My husband is amazing.

I know that everyone thinks that about their spouse (as they should) but seriously, Alex is something else. I have never known anyone to be as selfless as he is. I fear I may be getting lazier than I already was, because he does everything for me. He tells me that I'm the one spoiling him by letting him be the homemaker...but I think he's just trying to make me not feel guilty when I'm having a particularly pregnant day, and don't feel like doing anything.

He's a fantastic father. Evan adores his daddy, and lets us know by repeating "daddy" all day long. Alex doesn't seem to get frustrated as easily, by the stubborn toddler we have running around these days. He takes everything in stride. While I'm the one Evan cuddles with the most, Alex is the one he's rough and tumble with. And it's so fulfilling to watch their relationship grow stronger everyday.

But that's not what this post is about.

I could list a thousand and one things I love about my husband. But I won't. The whole reason this post exists, is because there are a few specific things I have to say.

I married a humble man.

I married a devoted man.

I married a highly spiritual man.

I married a forgiving man.

I married a man who can focus on loving everyone he knows, regardless of what faults they may have. (including my own- he even thinks some of my faults are endearing)

I married a patient man. One who does not get frustrated when I stumble, one who is there to teach and encourage me to always strive to be a better person.

With all this going for him, you'd think that he would think he's amazing. But I said it before, I married a humble man. I don't think I had any idea how important that would be when I chose Alex. Recently, it has meant everything in the world to me. Everything.

I would apologize for this personal/mushy post, but I've been so impressed by him lately. Of course I tell him these things in the privacy of our own home, but it just wasn't enough.

Sometimes, without understanding why, the words just have to come out.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Rule #82 Part 2: So do videos.

Tickles. (0:35)
Filling up our huge new pool. (0:54)
Boo! (0:36)
It's hot, lets go to the pool. (1:01)
Someone is spraying my face. (1:38)

Rule #82: Pictures burn holes in memory cards.

Playing during an Early Intervention visit with Lisa.
Evan and Jasmine watching the front yard.
Some light reading.
Evan and his friend Lily.
Jasmine isn't very good with ropes.
Getting ready for halloween.  Boo... boo...  BOO!
Evan had a followup appointment with the allergist, still allergic to all tree nuts.