I have a
dilemma...I'm not sure if I should try and "wean" Evan from swaddling or not. He does still sleep well swaddled, and he occasionally breaks free, only to
promptly poke himself in the eye and wake up before he is ready. (I'd also like to note that when he does poke himself awake....he is very irritated that he is awake and seems to have no understanding that it is his hand stabbing himself in the eye). I feel bad because I think one of the reasons he can't stop poking his eyes is because of his eczema. The
steroid cream works wonders, but I can't put it that close to his eyes, so they still suffer unfortunately.
From what I've just said it seems obvious that I should continue swaddling him, to help him sleep and spare his eyes a midnight attack. Here's where my
dilemma comes in. I'm concerned that keeping him swaddled may by slowing down his
physical progression. I know that every child develops at their own pace, but what if by prohibiting movement at night I'm unintentionally slowing his development?
I intend to call his pediatrician to ask him his opinion, but I just wanted to throw this out there to see what friends, family, and
blog-stalkers think. I perused the
internet for a while, starting to feel better about my decision to keep swaddling my 6 month old son, because everyone out there said to keep doing it. Until I came across a few posts that said "as long as they are meeting their milestones it should be fine." Well, Evan's not...not really. He doesn't roll over, not from front or back. He has rolled over in the past, but he doesn't do it very often. He talks and makes noises, but doesn't babble the way I'm told 6 month old babies should. Again...I'm not sure if I'm just crazy mom paranoid, or if this is even
legitimately related to swaddling...I just don't want to find out that I held him back because I was lazy and didn't want to deal with a few rough nights trying to teach him to sleep without it.
So, to anyone with thoughts, feel free to share your opinion. But do it knowing that I may or may not listen to it. In the end I think I will do what feels best for my family...but I'd like to get as many opinions as possible.
*On a side note, anyone that tells you not to compare your child to other children or lists of milestones must not realize how impossible that is! Of course I'm not comparing in the sense that I think other children are better than Evan, but it's hard not to think...hmm, That baby can do such and such....Evan can't do such and such....or even vice versa. Thinking that Evan can do more than another baby. There's just no way around it, comparing is just part of parenthood I've decided.