I do realize this is not a big deal, he's still healthy and I should be documenting his growing body, I know. I just hate lotion in his hair. For a while I tried to only put it in at night, but then his eczema got worse...so now we're back to twice a day.
So today I decided to take some before and after pictures of Evan. Alex doesn't like Evan's hair to be matted to his scalp either, so if we don't have anywhere to go, he sticks it straight up. (Which just looks silly....but look at how long his hair is getting!)
And here is Evan post bath, lotion free. Isn't his little head so cute!?!? I'm sure eventually he will grow out of the extreme lotion need (At least I pray!) but until then, I'll just have to look past it and take pictures anyway.
Since I hadn't taken any pictures in a month I couldn't stop myself once I got started, so here are a few more that I thought were particularly adorable.
You've got one cute kiddo there. With or without the lotion.
Ahhh, he is just so adorable and looks so happy! It's fun because I can see both you and Alex in him!
He is so beautiful in a good man way.
I won't tell Nate what you said about hair sticking straight up in the air. ;)
You should use the lotion like styling gel to do a faux hawk (mow hawk). Personally that's my favorite baby & little boy hair style. Lotion is what I use in Jordyn's hair all the time.
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