We're back from our appointment with Early Intervention.
I'm pleased with how things went....and this is going to sound strange, but I'm pleased that my son qualifies for some help therapy. Basically because I don't know what else to do with/for my son as far as communication goes.
I'm thrilled that they didn't give a "diagnosis", just said he's behind in a few areas that we can work on together. Deep down I never felt he "had" something, nothing was SERIOUSLY wrong with him, I just knew he should be doing more than he was. So I'm glad they couldn't diagnose him. Alex, on the other hand, thinks that if it's just a delay, then there's no real need for therapy. He'll catch up.
He's not fighting me on this, he is willing to do therapy, but since nothing is "wrong" with Evan, he doesn't feel it's entirely necessary. I understand how Alex is feeling, but most of Evan's delays are pre-language....that pretty much impedes every other advancement in skills for the near future. So, while he may eventually have caught up on his own, I'm very excited to have some guidance to nudge him along sooner.
It's a state funded program, so thanks to all of you for your unknowing support via your taxes. :) We still have a VERY small monthly fee to pay for their services. Another reason Alex can't argue. They come to our house, and it's like $30 a month. It's a pretty sweet deal if you ask me. (I guess the program used to be free, but about ten years ago started charging a small fee based on income. They've seen more responsibility from parents when they have to pay. Even just a few dollars. Less no-shows and more willingness to learn.)
I'm not sure how often he will be seen or when his first appointment will be. They will call me and set that up. But it probably wont happen until after Thanksgiving.
For those of you who want to know the details...here you go. For those just mildly interested, you can stop reading now. You got the gist of it. :)
There were two therapist, a developmental, speech, and a nurse there. They played with Evan, and ask Alex and I a lot of questions. It lasted about an hour. Evan was very pleasant as always. Gave of his smiles freely and was his usual self. (which was good, I was concerned he might do more or less because of the new faces)
They "graded" Evan on different areas based on what he could do, or what we said he could do. This is the copy that they gave us.
Cognitive: 9 months + splinter skills to 12 months. (Splinter skills are when he has stopped doing certain skills in a group, but then can also do more advanced skills in the same group. More or less, he skips some skills)
Language: <9 months
Gross Motor: 15 months
Fine motor: 12 months
Social/Emotional: 7 months + splinter skills to 15 months
Self Help: 12 months
They said they were very pleased with how interactive he is, and how much he focuses on faces. Almost to the point where he can't concentrate on anything else. They said he needs to learn how to "multi task" He's so focused on someones face, that he can't/doesn't pay attention to what they are trying to show him. They also said his attachment to Alex and I was at 18 months. Which makes me feel good, knowing that he knows he is loved and loves us back. (not that I was ever questioning it)
I'm not sure how long he will need therapy, only time will tell. But I am excited to get it started. Another waiting game. :) But this is one time I don't mind waiting. I know what is going on with my child and I know that someone is going to help me help him. That's all I ever wanted.
Thanks to all of you for your love and support! I'll keep you all updated!
Literally Never Happened
2 weeks ago
Oh good!
Sounds like it went wonderfully. I'm sure once he starts talking/communicating he won't stop.
I'm glad nothing is "wrong" and that you now have something to work with which is just what you wanted! I'm sure he'll catch up in no time :) He is such a cute kid and lucky to have parents who love him so much!
I knew that all you needed was a direction to take and a few helpful activities/exercises that will help you feel as if you're doing your part. Us mom's like to feel we are doing all we can. I'm glad it went so well and I hope you can feel some relief.
P.S.- I think if they gaged communication and social skills on eye contact, smiling, and flirting alone, then Evan would be considered advanced for his age. ;)
I am so happy that there is something that can be done! It sounds like this is a great step.
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