I know, I know. This post is months over due. No excuses, just down to business.
And that business is all about Evan. Here are his two year stats. (finally)
Weight: 23 lbs 13 oz (7%)
Height: 34.5 inches (55%)
OFC: 18.5 ( 10%)
He's keeping his trend of being in the low end of normal for his weight, but that's better than Alex did at his age. He really was off the charts for years. So we're happy with his consistency. I don't expect him to switch gears on us anytime soon.
As far as Evan's mad skills are concerned...he has a lot, and he just keeps getting better and better every day. Karaia taught him how to climb a ladder at his birthday party, and now he's pretty good at it. It still makes me a little nervous, because that's just who I am, but he has yet to hurt himself on his playset, and he LOVES getting to the slide by himself.
Evan is a BIG fan of jumping. He will jump on anything he can find, or just the ground if that's all he's got to work with. It's so cute to watch him get both his feet off the ground.
He's big into drawing/coloring right now. He's even started to label what HE is drawing, instead of just demanding that I draw a big cloud, flower, sun etc for him. He knows most of his colors and practically all of the alphabet. He knows numbers, and can usually count to at least 4 or 5 in sequence. Although numbers and counting don't actually mean much to him.
He transitioned into a big bed at the end of August. (I know, it's a post in and of itself, also way past due) We hadn't gotten the room ready yet, but have since painted at least. Once we get a few more details in place, I'll post pictures. He's done really well for the most part...but he's also become a two year old in the last few weeks. Complete with stubbornness, tantrums and defiance.
The tantrums would be slightly comical if they weren't so frequent. Because of our hard wood floors, Evan won't throw himself to the floor and scream. Instead, he slowly melts to the ground, then as soon as his head softly touches the floor, he starts his fit. But it can be about anything and everything. Welcome to toddlerhood I'm told.
He's also started becoming a defiant little person. Raising his eyebrow while he looks at me, just before he does what I have told him not to do three seconds earlier. So, we are working on disciplining and molding our son, hopefully to be a respectful, kind boy. We'll see how well that goes.
Verbally he has blown all expectations out of the water. I have no idea how many words he says at this point. Everyday he adds at least one more. Which is why I think it's so frustrating for him to disobey me, because I KNOW he understands what I'm saying now...no benefit of the doubt any more! I'm thrilled that he has progressed so quickly, and I can't wait for when we can more involved conversations with him. Alex taught him the word "usurper" the other night. And while Evan doesn't know what it means, I love that he tries to say it anyway. It was really cute.
He's starting to recognize the names of family members, and loves to see them all. He still talks about Sanders/Tennyson's fan almost daily, and it's been weeks since we watched the Dalys.
He's still a very loving, MOSTLY mild mannered boy. Although the mildness seems to be wearing off a bit.
He's the light of my life and I can't imagine living with out him. I will admit with these new traits I'm slightly anxious about how Evan will respond to his new brother. But hopefully his loving side will win out and things will go well!