Graham Douglas Davis was born at 6:48 AM. He weighs 7 lbs 6 oz and is 21 inches long. Both he and mom are doing very well. Meghan's recovery is much smoother and quicker than last time.
Saturday night we had friends over for dinner and a movie, and during the middle of the movie Meghan started having contractions. (This is the same scenario as Evan, with friends, about 10pm, born 9am the next day.) By 1 AM they were frequent enough to head out. April stayed with Evan during the night. Between 2 AM - 6 AM Meghan had her epidural and two doses of antibiotics for GBS (ask her if you want to know more).
At about 6:35 AM the room became an efficient little beehive of acitivity going from one nurse to 6 personnel including the doctor. Two contractions later baby was out, had his cord cut, got sucked out, weighed, etc. By 7 AM it was just mom, son and I.
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1 day ago
Happy Birthday Baby Graham!!!!
Good job, Mama and congratulations Dad to two!
What a sweet new baby fresh from heaven! I am so happy for your cute family. Enjoy that little one's newness :-D
Congrats Davis Family! I can't wait to meet him!
Congrats Davis Family! Missin' you already Megs . . . Let me know if you need anything at all. I'm only a hop, skip, and a jump away ;)
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