He started crawling a few weeks ago, so around 10 1/2 months, about the same time as Evan actually. I think for different reasons, but I think it's interesting that they happened to be the same age when they became mobile.
As I had hoped, crawling and this new found independence has made Graham a titch happier. It really depends on the day. I should have written this post last week, because it had made a big difference. But the last few days my ball of happiness has been a whining machine!! There are moments throughout the day where he is happy to explore and play by himself or with Evan, but lately, those moments are so few and far between. He just....needs, all the time.
What he really needs are teeth. :) We are also struggling in the eating department again. Not with bottles, now that he could actually start weaning. But from baby food. The boy just wants REAL food. We've been branching out a little, seeing what he can gum down and what he's still not ready for. He's been liking this experiment I think. He tried small pieces of chicken nugget yesterday, and it rocked his world! He was so happy.
One of my favorite things to witness these days, is Evan and Graham playing together. It is the cutest thing. Ever. Evan is really getting into Graham, thinking he's fun to play with, loving the reactions he gets. And Graham has always thought his brother was the coolest thing since sliced bread. Evan will ask to go downstairs with Mommy and Graham, then when we get there, he asks me to leave. He didn't really want to play with me, but he needed Graham to get downstairs somehow...it's cute until Evan hits him in the head. Or decides this moment he is no longer okay with sharing. But it's a work in progress, and I love to watch it unfold.
Here are two videos of my little teddy graham. The first one was before he could crawl, like days before. We were waiting at the doctors office. He just kept spinning and spinning, he loved how slippery the floor was.
The second was his first *recent* experience with swings. I know it's a crappy resolution, (I've got to stop using my phone) but I think you can still see the pure joy all over his face!
Love this kid!!
Love that kid too!
I can see the joy on his face, and in his feet too! And that oh so addicting baby giggle. Too cute!
Goodness, he is insanely adorable!!
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