The plan was to potty train Graham during the summer. Ya know, let him run around outside naked? We had a baby, which made our lives busy. Then we started settling down to a routine, and we just didn't do it. He was showing no interest whatsoever. Anytime we talked about "squeezing" in the potty he would run away screaming, "don't wanna!"
But summer was ending quickly, and I didn't want to lose the convenience of running around outside naked. So in August we bought a little potty chair, since he seemed so adverse to the toilet. Then we started a sticker chart. For SKYLANDERS. That, right there, made all the difference.
Earning stickers to get Thumpback was so motivating for Graham. When we suggested a potty break, if he started to protest we would remind it meant a sticker for Thumpback and that was it! He has done so well.
He has had accidents, no surprise there. But what has surprised me was how emotional he was about them. With his very first accident I responded with "Aww, buddy. You need to listen to your body..." And he burst into tears.
"That makes you so sad!! That makes me so SAD!!!" was his response.
So I started back peddling. "No, no, it's okay. Accidents happen, it's no big deal. You'll just do better next time, I'm not sad!"
I was shocked. Evan has never cared one whit what I think or feel. Especially about potty accidents. I didn't know what to think of it. I certainly didn't expect it. Graham is just much more sensitive, (appropriately) and wants to please.
Every time he successfully goes to the bathroom he looks at me and says, "That makes you so happy, that makes me so happy!" Adorable. :)
We may have misjudged his readiness to be potty trained though. While he was clearly ready to control his bladder....he's unable to pull his pants on and off. So we are still very involved in his bathroom needs. ;) Oh well, that time will come too.
Way to go Graham! He's growing up so fast!
Literally Never Happened
2 weeks ago
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