Thursday, November 1, 2012

Rule #145: It's best to shout at exotic animals (Part 2)

To continue with out vacation, we also went to the San Diego Zoo. (for two half days)

I don't remember ever being there before, but that zoo is huge! The bus tour they offer takes more than 20 minutes! As with all tours, you don't stop in any one place for long, nor do you get to see the entire park, and it still took more than 20 minutes. Like I said, BIG zoo.

I'm surprised we didn't take more pictures at the zoo. But we were walking a lot, and there was a lot to see.

Apparently the San Diego Zoo is the only zoo in the united states to have panda bears. Did we get any pictures? Nope. That's probably because they were hard to see and didn't do anything. But it's still a big deal, worth mentioning.

 Evan was fascinated with this snake. It kept climbing up the glass wall and then back down. Up and down, up and down. My son does love repetition. :) We had gone to the zoo for their reptilemania that was starting on the last day of our trip. Meh. I'm not going to lie, it wasn't all that reptile or manic for me. The zoo is still great, but I didn't feel like it added that much to the experience.
They had a petting the zoo :) There were a lot of goats and sheep and a few bunnies. That's all I really noticed anyway, there might have been a few other things as well. Neither of my boys were big into touching the animals. I know, you're shocked, right? Here I am trying to convince them it's fun. (truthfully, I think goats and sheep feel gross. oily and coarse at the same time. not my thing)

 Didn't matter. They still wouldn't touch them :)

 One of my favorite parts of the zoo was the aviaries, that's right. Plural, they had so many, they were multi-leveled, and awesome. The hike up through the aviaries also led you to the monkeys. And who doesn't love monkeys? The gorilla exhibit was one of the most elaborate I have ever seen. It had multiple waterfalls, lush greenery everywhere you looked. What was missing? The gorillas. There was so much coverage, I think I might have seen a shoulder...maybe:) But it was beautiful to look at.

The smaller monkeys were much more accommodating to me. They put on quite a show, climbing and swinging and grooming. All things monkey. We had a great time watching them.
 Graham found these statues of gorillas and ran around giving them all kisses. Most of the pictures he's nothing but a blur he was moving so fast. He's a super cute kid.
Yet another family picture with everyone looking and smiling. (well mostly. Graham mostly looks concerned)

1 comment:

Emilie said...

I love a good zoo!

FYI the Smithsonian National zoo has pandas ;)