Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rule #113: There's no place like home

I am still surprised how well Graham recovered after surgery. He had a pretty decent night, and I'm sure he would have slept quite well, but he was being woken up every four hours to be checked on. Which meant that so was I. But all in all, we slept as well as you can in a hospital.

The next morning he went for his CT scan and his X-rays to look at his shunt, and make sure everything looked as it should. He did great for the CT, it only took about 5 minutes and he was distracted by the horribly annoying wand that had music and seizure inducing lights. (not really, but it almost gave me seizures)

The X-ray was a completely different story. He had to lay on his right side and was being pinned down by the tech, and was wailing! It was so sad. I've never heard him cry like that, and it took almost 20 minutes to calm him down afterward. :(

As traumatic as that was for him, all the images looked great! He was still eating well, so that meant that we were able to go home! It blows me away that he was discharged just over 24 hours after surgery.
While we waited for the discharge papers, and for Alex to come join us, I played dress up with Graham. Doug bought these baby scrubs when Graham was born. There was no way they would fit him then, but they BARELY fit him now. (fatty) I figured the hospital was the perfect place for this outfit. Doesn't he look adorable?
It true baby fashion, Graham fell asleep 10 minutes before we got our discharge papers. So we decided to let him sleep, and we would leave whenever he woke up. Two hours later, and a much needed nap for myself, we were packed and ready to go!
It has been so nice to be home. There is so much more entertainment here for Graham, and for me. I was getting tired of being the only one to keep him occupied and happy. And it was only for one day! I think I might have gone crazy had it been for several days.

We tried to get a picture with both boys, to show how nice it was to be together as a family. You can see the progression.....
Ahh, it's good to be home!


Sarah said...

Yay for being home. You're right. Your baby is a ROCKSTAR!

Mary said...

He does look super cute in those scrubs. So happy he's done so well!

Lawson Family said...

I'm so glad this experience has been as pleasant as this kind of experience can get!

Todd said...

So glad you guys are home, and getting settled. I hope life can now get some what back to normal now. Yea!!

Brianna said...

Megs, I wrote the comment from "Todd"... don't ask me how I got signed in as a Todd or who he is, but that was me, Brianna, so no worries. ;)

Megs said...

Bri, That's good. I was beginning to wonder if making my blog public again was such a good idea :)

Chrissy said...

Those little scrubs are too cute. And I love how the shots of both boys show the real truth about being home, and it's still good to be there! :)

Tiffany said...


Liv said...

oh how sweet graham looks in his scrubs, just as cute as his mama.

i hope he's still doing well in his recovery and that you're "catching up" on sleep.